

Meeting is a beginning, cooperation is progress, staying together is success!

Doprex - služby - Dlhoročné skúsenosti

More than 25 years of experience

Doprex - služby - Nová pobočka v Nemecku

New office in Germany

Phone number: +49 551 3077242
Mobile: +49 157 52467423

Doprex - služby - Logistika nákupu, výroby a distribúcie

Logistics for purchasing, production and distribution

Doprex - služby - Čiastočné a plné zaťaženie

Part and full load

Doprex - služby - Celosvetová spolupráca s partnermi

Own fleet and worldwide cooperation with freight spedition partners and leading networks

Doprex - služby - Cestná preprava náhľad

Road transport

Our freight spedition company was founded in 1989. We deliver your goods expressly to their destination, whether within the European Union or Russia. Come with us all over the world!

Doprex - služby - Letecká preprava náhľad

Air freight

Today, air freight is one of the most important and fastest ways to transport goods. We have business partners all over the world, so we can react quickly to the requirements of the freight spedition market.

Doprex - služby - Námorná preprava náhľad

Sea freight

We are constantly expanding our portfolio of cargo ships, so we are able to deliver your goods anywhere. Our ships have regular departure intervals, so your goods get there safely and quickly.

Order shipping with us

Submit a shipping request online and we will provide you with our international and domestic freight spedition and transport services.

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